The EuBIC-MS Developers Meeting is organized every two years by the European Bioinformatics Community for Mass Spectrometry (EuBIC-MS), an initiative of the European Proteomics Association (EuPA) for user-oriented bioinformatics.
This meeting aims to bring together computer scientists and developers in the field of bioinformatics for proteomics to discuss and collaborate in an open and constructive spirit. The program is divided into keynote lectures and several hackathon sessions where participants are developing bioinformatics tools and resources to address outstanding needs in the proteomics bioinformatics and user community. Participants are also encouraged to present their scientific work in a poster session.
Through the parallel hackathon sessions, participants will be able to actively participate in the development of new achievements in mass spectrometry-based approaches. This could include the creation of new tools, scripts, resources or any other collaborative project important to the field. Anyone in the field can submit a proposal for a hackathon project. The final list of hackathons will be selected by the organizing committee after a public vote.
The EuBIC-MS Developers Meeting 2025 will take place 2-7 February at the Abbey of Neustift, Vahrn (IT).

Why attend the Developers Meeting?
By joining the Developers Meeting, you will gain experience in developing bioinformatics tools, build long-lasting international collaborations and participate in a dynamic peer network. In turn, your contribution will help the community at large and have a real impact on users.
Confirmed keynote speakers

(Talus Bio, US)

(Statens Serum Institut, DK)

(Utrecht University, NL)
Topics for the hackathon sessions are now decided. You can have a look at the proposals on our GitHub page.
Present your work with a poster
We encouraged all participants, especially early career researchers, to present their work with a poster. Abstract submission for posters and flash talks must be submitted through a separate online form.
Submission for posters was closed on 15 November 15 December 2024 (extended deadline). Confirmation of acceptance was communicated on 1 December 2024.
This event would not be possible without our sponsors!


Social event
We will spend the afternoon / evening on a hut in the mountains. The exact location and program will be announced soon.
The registration fee is 750 EUR per person, which includes the participation in the Developers Meeting (including the social event) and full-board stay at the venue.
Payment is only be possible by bank transfer directly to the venue. We apologize for any resulting inconveniences, but this helps us to keep the registration fee low.
All fees must be paid after completing the registration form. You will receive the bank data together with a preliminary registration acceptance. As soon as the fee has been received and we are notified, your registration will be fully confirmed. Applicants not paying the fee will receive one reminder. If the fee is not paid before 20th December 20th 2024, the preliminary registration will be cancelled and the slot will be opened to applicants on the waiting list.
The registration is now full, but you can put yourself on the waiting list in the case of freeing up some spots. Do not forget to submit a poster abstract separately.
Organizational committee
Main Organizers

Bart Van Puyvelde (Ghent University, BE)
Dominik Lux (Ruhr University Bochum, DE)
Louise Marie Buur (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, AT)
Magnus Palmblad (LUMC Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics, NL)
Marie Locard-Paulet (Institute of Pharmacology and Structural Biology, FR)
Ralf Gabriels (VIB, Ghent University, BE)
Veit Schwämmle (University of Southern Denmark, DK)
Viktoria Dorfer (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, AT)
Wout Bittremieux (University of Antwerp, BE)
More information
Venue and travel
The Developers Meeting will take place at the Abbey of Neustift (German: Kloster Neustift, Italian: Abbazzio di Novacella)
Stiftstr. 1
39040 Vahrn (BZ)
Transfer to the venue
The closest main train station is Brixen/Bressanone, which is reachable by train from various international airports. From there, a short public bus ride takes you to the conference center.
This is the final program, but small changes might still happen.
Dates and deadlines
Opens: 12 July 2024
Closes: 15 December 2024 (pay the registration fee at the latest on 20 December 2024!)
Currently, there are no more free places for the Developers Meeting, but you can put yourself on the waiting list.
Poster abstract submission
Opens: 12 July 2024
Closes: 15 November 15 December 2024
You will be informed of the poster acceptance until 1 December 2024 for posters submitted until 15 November. Be aware that posters submitted after this will be reviewed after the payment deadline.
Developers Meeting
2-7 February 2025
Hotel booking
The hotel and all meals are included in the registration fee. The number of participants is be limited to 60 persons. Single rooms are available to roughly half of the participants, the other half will be assigned twin rooms. During the registration you will be asked whether you know another participant with whom you would like to share a room (please both participants state this), or whether you are willing to share with anyone.
Cancellation and refund policy
Cancellations can be made in written form only (please mail to and can only be accepted if received before the bank transfer was performed. Any cancellations after completing payment or no-shows at the event are not eligible for a refund and the full fee in accordance with the registration invoice or confirmation will be due. If you cannot attend, it might be possible to swap the spot with another interested person, but this cannot be guaranteed and should be organized by yourself and communicated to us by email.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel all or parts of the event on short-term notice. In this case, the amount of refunded fees will be negotiated with the venue and cannot yet be guaranteed.
Social Media
Follow us on Mastodon (, LinkedIn (@EuBIC), or X(@EuBIC_ms) and post about the meeting with the hashtag #EuBIC2025.