We invite you to a series of talks organised by the European Community for Mass Spectrometry.
These will take place Wednesday the 6th october from 2pm to 4pm in Copenhagen, Panum, Maersk Tower, 15th floor, Foredragssalen 7.15.92 and are open to all.
The talks will be followed by some snacks and drinks for you to meet the speakers and other EuBIC-MS members.
Recording of the talks will be made available on the EuBIC’s youtube channel.
List of speakers
- Interactive tools for quantitative proteomics analysis and interpretation
by Veit Schwämmle from the University of Southern Denmark, Department of Biochemistry and Biology
- A comprehensive LFQBenchmark DDA/DIA dataset to validate bio-informatic pipelines
by Bart Van Puyvelde from Ghent University – Belgium – ProGenTomics, Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
- MS2ReScore: using predicted fragment ion intensities and retention times to increase identification rates in metaproteomics
by Tim Van Den Bossche from VIB – UGent Center for Medical Biotechnology
- Using cloud approaches to get more out of proteomics data
by Julian Uszkoreit from Ruhr University Bochum, Medical Faculty, Medical Proteom-Center & Center for Protein Diagnostics (PRODI), Medical Proteome Analysis - Exploring the limits of the tryptic search space using protein-graphs
by Dominik Lux from Ruhr University Bochum, Medical Faculty, Medical Proteom-Center & Center for Protein Diagnostics (PRODI), Medical Proteome Analysis
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