About the Winter School
The EuBIC-MS Winter School on computational mass spectrometry (MS) takes place every two years. Its aim is to bring together the users and developers of computational mass spectrometry tools, as well as academia and industry.
The Winter School starts with an educational day dedicated to workshops and training in established computation MS tools and workflows. The following days, internationally renowned invited speakers give lectures and practical workshops covering the aspects of identification, quantification, result interpretation, and integration of MS data. Check out the full program for all keynote and workshop descriptions.
The EuBIC-MS Winter School 2022 took place in person on 21-24 March 2022 at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in Oeiras, Portugal. To glimpse back on the event, watch the after movie:
Follow @EuBIC_ms on Twitter to get our latest updates, and use the hashtag #EuBIC2022.
Page contents
Keynote speakers

Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, DE

Ghent University & VIB, BE

IMP, Vienna Biocenter, AT

Leiden University Medical Center, NL

Technical University Munich, DE

University of Bergen,

ETH Zürich,

FSU Jena,

Heidelberg University, DE
*Viktoria Dorfer (Fachhochshule Oberöstereich, AT) was initially invited, but could not attend due to the pandemic.
Check out the full program for all keynote descriptions and speaker biographies:
Organize a workshop
All participants have the opportunity to organize a workshop at the EuBIC Winter School 2022. We will select:
- One full-day entry-level workshop that will take place on the 1st day of the conference.
- One half-day specialized workshop. This is a great opportunity to present a tool that you have developed. Other specialized workshops will be hosted by select keynote speakers.
Abstracts can be submitted through an online form until February 14th, 2022. Abstracts will then be selected by the organizational committee based on general relevance to the wide computational mass spectrometry community. Decisions will be communicated on February 28th, 2022.
Present your work with a flash talk or poster
We encourage all attendants to present their work with a poster. The organizing committee will select abstracts for a short 5-minute presentation. We especially encourage Early Career Researchers to do so. Select travel grants for Early Career Researchers can also be applied for through this form. See travel grants for more information. Abstract submission for flash talks and travel grants closed on February 14th, 2022. The extended poster abstract deadline ended on 28/02/2022. Abstract acceptance was communicated on February 28th, 2022.
Poster boards are 192 by 94 cm and accommodate portrait A0 format. Materials to attach posters to the poster boards will be provided by the organization.
Registration to this in-person event is limited to 100 participants. Due to this limit, we apply a first-come / first-served registration system and only accept direct credit card payments. Please see registration fees for the different registration tiers, and details on what is or is not included in the price. Also see cancellation policy for all information on refunds and applicable administrative fees upon cancellation by an attendant or the organizers. Travel grants are available through EuPA upon abstract submission or through some national proteomics associations.
Early Bird registration for EuPA-member students ends on 14/02/2022. General registration closed on 7/03/2022.
If you have questions regarding registration, please contact us at info@eubic-ms.org.
Organizational committee
Main organizers

UGent, BE

VIB & UGent,

Copenhagen University, DK

Ruhr University Bochum, DE

Ruhr University Bochum, DE

VIB & UGent, BE
Local organizers at IGC
Pedro Fernandes, Luis Valente, and Regina Fernandes
Marie Locard-Paulet (University of Copenhagen, DK), Sander Willems (Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry, DE), Veit Schwämmle (University of Southern Denmark, DK), Julian Uszkoreit (Ruhr University Bochum, DE), David Bouyssié (CNRS, FR), Alessio Soggiu (University of Milan, IT), Wout Bittremieux (University of California San Diego, USA)
For more information, you can contact us at info@eubic-ms.org or for quick questions, send us a DM on Twitter at @EuBIC_ms.
More information
The EuBIC-MS Winter School 2022 will take place at the Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência in Oeiras, Portugal.
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciênca (IGC)
Rua da Quinta Grande, 6
2780-156 Oeiras

Rooms are pre-blocked for the Winter School participants at the Praia Mar Hotel and a discount code is provided: IGC 2022 Note that rooms need to be booked through the hotel’s email and NOT through online booking systems. Hotel email address: praiamar@almeidahotels.pt
Please find below the special prices for each room type:
- Single room: €72 per night
- Double room: €82 per night
- Sea view supplement: €10 per night
Prices include a breakfast buffet, and do not include the Municipal Tourist Tax of €2 per night.
COVID-19 information
During the event we will follow all national and local COVID-19 regulations. All participants are required to adhere to these regulations as well. Most likely the following safety measures and entry requirements will take effect:
- All participants need to wear mouth-nose masks at all times
- Open windows for optimal ventilation (Fortunately, the warm Portuguese climate will make this a pleasant, unique Winter School experience).
To enter the country, most likely a vaccination certificate, RT-PCR test or similar NAAT test 72h before boarding, or Laboratorial Rapid Antigen Test 48h before boarding, will be required. Official information is available at https://www.visitportugal.com/en/content/covid-19-measures-implemented-portugal
This information is subjected to change at all times up until the event. Participants will be updated through email upon important changes regarding COVID-19 regulations. Also note our cancellation policy.
Preliminary program
Check out the full program for all keynote abstracts, workshop descriptions, and speaker biographies.
Important dates and deadlines
- 24/01/2022: Registration open, abstract submission open
- 14/02/2022: Early Bird Student registration closes
- 14/02/2022: Flash talk/poster abstract and workshop abstract submission closes
- 28/02/2022: Extended poster abstract submission deadline
- 28/02/2022: Selected abstracts announcement
- 07/03/2022: Registration closes
- 21/03/2022-24/03/2022: Winter School
Registration fees
Registration fee tiers:
- Early Bird Student – EuPA member (undergraduate, graduate, PhD candidate): €400,00
- Student (undergraduate, graduate, PhD candidate): €450,00
- Academia (non-student): €475,00
- Industry: €500,00
Early bird registrations are only available for student EuPA members and will end on 14/02/2022. You can become a EuPA member through your national proteomics society or association.
The registration fee includes:
- Access to all main Winter School sessions (keynotes, workshops, poster session, social event)
- Access to all main conference materials
- Coffee breaks and lunches on all conference days
- WiFi at the venue
The registration fee does NOT include:
- Any travel costs
- Hotel accommodation
- Breakfast and dinner
See the cancellation policy for the applicable administrative fees upon cancellation by either the attendant or the organizers.
Cancellation policy
Cancellations can be made in written form only and will only be accepted if received by 1st of March, 2022. An administrative fee of 50 EUR will apply. Any cancellations after this date or no-shows at the event are not eligible for a refund and the full fee in accordance to the registration invoice or confirmation will be due.
The organizer reserves the right to cancel all or parts of the event on a short-term notice. In this case, all paid fees will be fully refunded minus an administrative fee of 50 EUR. There is limited capacity for this event of 100 attendants. The organizers hold the right to further limit this number if deemed necessary to adhere to local COVID-19 regulations, in which case a first-come first-served policy will apply and cancelled registrations will be refunded in full in accordance to the registration invoice or confirmation.
Travel grants
Early Career Researchers can apply for €500 travel grants managed by the EuBIC-MS organizational committee, and provided by EuPA and BePA. The following requirements apply:
- Participation through poster/flash talk abstract submission.
- Applicant is an undergraduate student, graduate student, PhD candidate, or obtained their PhD ≤ 7 years ago.
- Travel grants from national societies can only be granted to applicants affiliated to an institute in the respective country of the society.
To apply for a travel grant, you must provide a short personal statement, describing your background and situation. The organization committee will prioritize applications based on general abstract quality, the personal statement, and an even distribution across countries of residence.
Apply for a travel grant through the poster abstract submission form.
External travel grants are available at the following national societies: